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Is my laptop already encrypted?

You can save time and a trip to the Service Desk by checking to see if your laptop is already encrypted. Choose the tab that correspond to your software or operating system, then follow the steps below to see if your device already has encryption installed and running.

For more information about the University’s Encryption guidelines, visit:

  • Dell DDPE (Windows 7, Windows 10, Mac OSX)

    Dell Data Protection Enterprise for Windows 7

    Windows 7:

    Start > Dell > Dell Data Protection > Encryption > Click Dell Encryption. Pop up will verify compliance status.

    Windows 10:

    Start > Dell > Click Dell Encryption. Pop up will verify compliance status.

    The system tray may have the Dell Data Protection icon also.

    Right click Dell Data Protection icon > Click Open Dell Encryption for pop up to verify compliance status.

    Mac OSX:

    System Preferences > Click Dell Encryption Enterprise > Policies > Under Dell Volume Encryption

  • BitLocker (Windows 7-Based Laptops)

    BitLocker encryption software for Windows 7-based laptops

    1) Click the Start button and click “Control Panel”.

    2) Click “System and Security”.

    3) Click on “BitLocker Drive Encryption”.

    4) The BitLocker encryption status will be shown for each hard drive (typically 1 in a laptop, as shown below). If BitLocker is already turned on, the status will show “On” (example on left); if BitLocker is not turned on yet, the status will show “Off” (example on right).

    If encryption is shown as off, you will also be provided with the option to “Turn On BitLocker”.

  • FileVault 2 (Mac OS X 10.7)

    FileVault 2 encryption software for Mac OS X 10.7 “Lion”

    1) Go the Apple Menu and open System Preferences.

    2) In System Preferences, select “Security & Privacy”.

    3) Click on the FileVault tab at the top. Your encryption status will be displayed “FileVault is turned on for the disk” followed by the Mac’s hard disk name.

    4) Close the Security & Privacy preferences.

  • SecureDoc (Mac OS X 10.6, Windows 7, Vista and XP)

    SecureDoc encryption software for Mac OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard”, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Window XP

    If you are presented with the SecureDoc logon screen on startup, the laptop is encrypted.