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Reset Password

Most of the accounts created for you on UT Health San Antonio systems will operate on a single password known as your UTHSCSA Domain Password.  These accounts include your University Exchange email account, VPN, the HSCwave wireless network, Student Administration, Financials, Employee Self-Service, and more.

When your account is initially created, it will be configured with a default, pre-expired password. You will need to change this password before can log into your accounts.

Password reset self-service

  • You can change your password using the Reset Password portal.
  • You must register with the password reset system on your first login.

Additional password reset assistance

  • If you are unable to use the self-service system to reset your password, you can come in person during regular business hours to the Techzone at Dental School 4.476T, ALTC 106 or Nursing School 1.306. You will need to bring a picture ID. Requests for password resets cannot be accepted by email.

Additional password information

  • Safeguard your password. You must not let others discover your password. If you believe it’s been compromised, change it immediately. See the university’s Handbook of Operating Procedures for general (central computing) responsibilities that you have with your password. See also Computer Passwords at Institutional Compliance for more detailed responsibilities.
  • If you need assistance with another password, please contact the support team for that particular system. If you are unsure who to contact, you may contact the IMS Service Desk at 210-567-7777, and they will try to put you in touch with the appropriate support team.


Official domain accounts are only provided to individuals with an active UT Health San Antonio affiliation.


There is no fee for an official domain account.

Request instructions

Official domain accounts are automatically provisioned for all students, residents and active employees.